Cafe Patissez, Canberra

Social media, whether you view it as a blessing or a curse, has undisputed power in getting the word out. One of the most recent case studies that can be found is the now world famous Freakshakes from cafe Patissez in Canberra. In a moment of weeks this fairly unknown cafe became the talk of the internet with just a few Instagram posts of their monster shakes.

Patissez Cafe Canberra

One of the things that first confronted me about the place, and quite frankly almost put me off, is that I've read reports that you sometimes have to queue for hours just for a table. Just for some context I went on a Sunday, the busiest day for the cafe, at 3pm, the busiest time. When I first arrived at the cafe I was shocked to see that there wasn't much of a queue at all, although there were tons of people sat down. We waited a mere few seconds before we were at the front of the queue where we were told that they'd text us when there were some free seats, telling us that there would be a fifteen minute wait. Five minutes later and our table was ready. Considering how much people complain about the wait in various articles (although fair enough considering the initial buzz has died down a little) it was one of the quickest and efficient places I've ever been to.

But the milkshakes, my god, the milkshakes were the most insane thing I've ever seen. I'm a dairy drink fanatic and this was something I can barely describe. You get a choice of five different flavours, which change depending on the season. I chose the Gay Pat having not had a Golden Gaytime in my entire life. Now from top to bottom, you begin with a lolly stick (?) of thick caramel coated in chocolate, then there's the chocolate mousse, then around the rim is more caramel and Gaytime pieces, and finally the actual milkshake. I couldn't even drink half of the damn thing. The price is fairly hefty for a milkshake at $13 but I think everyone agrees this is a special case.

Gay Pat Freakshake Patissez Canberra
Freakshake Patissez Canberra

Obviously Patissez doesn't just sell Freakshakes, they have an amazing selection of cakes to complement and the new Freak Burger. With such intense milkshakes they have the best savory options to even out your blood sugar levels, with an all day breakfast (always a winner).

I kid you not if you're looking for the perfect balance between Heaven and Hell I guarantee you'll find it at cafe Patissez.

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