
An hour before my grueling flight to Sydney and first time ever being on a plane.

Hello World!

My name is Iona Townsley and I'm a twenty-four year old avid writer, explorer and life enthusiast from Leeds, England. In its infancy Ethically Pura Vida began as Kitsune Kennedy, a name I still can't explain. Maybe it was a pseudonym? It began life as a place for me to post my rants on topics that inspire, interest or consume me. Not unlike what it is today. Over the years I have grown and my website has grown with me, tackling more challenging themes. Instead of seeing what I'm wearing that day you're more likely to find a list of ethical fashion brands.

My interest in travel sparked from a decision I'd barely thought through to chase a boy I'd never met halfway across the world to Australia. One of the first things you need to know about me is that I'm keen on doing immensely stupid things, knowing full well they may not be the best decision for long-term fulfilment. But of all the stupid things I've done this is the least that I've regretted. Partly because this is how Ethically Pura Vida began, a small blog originally dedicated to my various travels around the red country. Yet now, almost four years later, I've expanded into new topics.

"Nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future".
- Jon Krakauer

 Kitsune Kennedy

This is by no means one of those blogs where immaculate images of a gorgeous person posing with their new Chanel bag are pasted across each page, partly because my ability to dress myself is mediocre at best. If you're looking for that I can name a few bloggers who'll blow your mind, but you won't find that here. I'm a self proclaimed mess. I believe knowing exactly where you want to go in life is the least productive way to live. Kitsune Kennedy is a place that nurtures happiness and creativity, prompting you to live in a way that at eighty years old will make you proud. It's not dragging yourself up the career ladder or finding a safe place to live out your life. It's finding places in the world that give you endless inspiration, helping you express yourself and, even if it means living in a shitty studio flat with peeling wallpaper, pushing you into doing exactly what you love

I'll show you the best free online courses online, whats wrong with the fast fashion industry and how to combat it, neat little places I find around dirty old country towns when I decide I want to run away one day and maybe you'll see me grow as a creative, adventurer, human. This is a blog for those who thrive on living between a normal society and the nomadic wanderings of a child. It's a blog for those not quite there yet. But we're reaching for it, hell yes we're getting there.

I'm excited about this journey, why not join me?