My Summer Reading List

Summer Reading List Books

Strangely enough I've recently found myself reading a great deal more than usual, even though I'm getting busier with work and my social life is starting to finally recover. I'm currently reading The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss, which is proving to be an insane ordeal (the book is apparently as long as The Lord of the Rings trilogy). Don't get me wrong, it's one of my favourite books of all time, but I'm excited to start a new story. Almost as a celebration upon its completion I have a list of books which I'm hoping to read over the Summer all of which are listed below.

I tend to be a keen reader of fantasy and science fiction books. I like to escape while reading, into a world that is completely unique to our own, and become involved with it's way of life as if to ignore my own problems. I dabble in the more realistic genres and have started to grow a love for non-fiction books but as it stands fantasy still holds my heart.

Nod by Adrian Barnes - I first came across this book in Hatchards and it's beautiful cover was what caught my eye. Reading the blurb the story is about when the world contracts a disease that makes humans unable to sleep, albeit a few lucky ones who are immune. The plot reminds me slightly of Blindness but with the awards it's won I'm hoping it will take a different perspective on the apocalyptic genre.

Life of Pi by Yann Martel - To be completely honest I'm not entirely sure if I've read this book before. I'm so terrible with keeping up with what I have and haven't read, and usually check to see if the spine is damaged as my teller. Guiltily I bought the book after seeing the movie. With such an interesting concept I had to see how the book compares, even though the plot twist is completely ruined for me.

Nation by Terry Pratchett - When working in a bookstore I had the endless pleasure of being able to window shop whilst I worked, and Nation is one of those books I'd picked up, placed on the shelf, forgotten about, and then picked up again. I've unfortunately never had the pleasure of reading a novel by Terry Pratchett so what better to start with than this?

Stoner by John McGahern - One of the books that I bought on a whim that's been unfortunately shoved to the back of my bookcase. Guiltily enough I bought the book originally because I thought it was going to be some coming-of-age novel about drug addicts. As it turns out the protagonist is called William Stoner, and the novel follows his life as an English professor.

Spell it Out by David Crystal - I started this book a while ago, before I went to Australia, and I've been meaning to pick it up ever since. Linguistics has been a topic that has interested me greatly and I seem to devour books related to the field easily, especially those by David Crystal.

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