An Organised Sunday

 Organised Sunday

Sundays have always been for relaxation and lazy day trips. The day you spend time with your family and see the people you haven't had a chance to catch up with for a while. However nowadays in a world of entrepreneurs and creatives the last day of the week has transitioned into the first day, and is filled with people trying to plan out their coming week and complete a range of personal projects. Sundays mean different things to different people. To me a Sunday is the day I mainly dedicate time to writing. It's a day I can organise myself and delve into the tasks that interest me, one of which being the management of Kitsune Kennedy.

Catch up on blogs
Usually when I wake one of the first things I do (of course after making a tea) is to read up on various blog posts. I tend to log into Bloglovin' and browse for a good hour or so which can be a great source of inspiration and even education. Finding out what's happening in the bloggersphere keeps me updated on digital trends while also keeping me in the loop of what's happening around the world. Throughout my week I may not have enough time to check out my favourite blogs so getting a good amount of down time dedicated to reading other peoples work is incredibly important for me. Some bloggers I'll physically seek out to see what they're up to such as InTheFrow and The Little Magpie.

Plan an editorial calendar for the coming week
Bloggers always preach about how useful an editorial calendar can be for efficiency and avoiding stress throughout the week and/or month. I tend to get everything down that I want to do on a Sunday in terms of blog posts. social media posts and events. Some people prefer to do this at the beginning of each month but I find that I like to change things frequently so organising a shorter amount of time allows me to be more flexible.

Manage Kitsune Kennedy
To keep my blog up-to-date and fresh every weekend I'll look over Kitsune Kennedy and all my social media with a critical eye and tweak some of their design features. I have a look at the stats, check out what's been working for me and ensure that I've replied to all the e-mails and comments sent to my blog. Making sure everything works smoothly for my readers is essential, sometimes during the week I may not realise that a post has come out awkwardly in the design so this gives me a chance to rectify any mistakes. It's also the perfect time, although not every Sunday, to look for broken links, make sure my posts all run in sync and add a few links to older posts.

Binge write
I like to think of Sundays as a writing day where I can just sit down, make endless cups of tea and write thousands of words be it for my blog, freelance work or personal projects. It takes me ages to get into the perfect mood to write, especially if it's fiction writing as I need to be in my 'zone', so having a massive stretch of time where I can mix and match what I want to work on with little to no distractions is the most valuable time of my week.

Spring clean
During the week everything in my life can build up and I tend to take it out on my home. By Sunday I'll have books strewn about the place, empty cups of tea in questionable areas and without fail a bunch of important sheets thrown in a bundle on my desk. The end of my Sunday is the perfect time to organise my personal work space in preparation for the coming week. This also includes my desktop and the internet. Everything is placed in the correct folder, my bookmarks are looked over and/or deleted, the things I'll need during the week are in an easy to find area.

What do Sundays mean to you?

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